[59] At times they were hired by cattlemen or other prominent figures to serve as henchmen or enforcers during cattle wars. [citation needed], On December 1, 1884, a town sheriff named Elfego Baca came face-to-face against 80 gunmen which became known as the Frisco shootout. Baca went on to a distinguished career as a lawyer and legislator and died in his bed in 1945, at age 80. Levi Richardson Gunfighting in Dodge City. Here are10 of the most well-known. While in Dodge he was on the posse which apprehended the murderer of singer, Dora Hand. They drew their pistols at close range, and Short fired first, blowing off Courtright's thumb. Corral made legends of Wyatt Earp and the Cochise County Cowboys, but they were relatively minor figures before that conflict. Famed lawman Wyatt Earp is perhaps the most storied figure of the Old West, but he was also an accomplished gunslinger who was greatly feared by the bandits of the time. James Butler Hickok is one of the most famous gunmenof the Old West. These were on personal reasons not while he was on the police force but as a civilian. They were a typically diverse and motley group of Gold Rush bandits: two Americans, one Frenchman, two Britons, five Sydney Ducks, and four Mexicans. Johnny Ringo Tombstone Rowdy. He once told someone that the only times he wasn't nervous was when he was working on teeth or killing somebody. WebVery large text size Bob Munden was listed in the Guinness Book of World Records as The Fastest Man with a Gun Who Ever Lived. The townsmen were ordinary people and detroyed the ridiculour James Young Gang. The gunfighter could also be an agent of the state, archetypically a lone avenger, but more often a sheriff, whose duty was to face the outlaw and bring him to justice or to personally administer it. Your list is worthless without him in the top 3 at least! Lawless violence such as range wars like the Lincoln County War and clashes with Indians were also a cause. [80] The New York Times stated: "he and his creators conjure such a convincing, cohesive and enthralling re-imagination of the real world that it sets a new standard for sophistication and ambition in electronic gaming. [57] Ben Thompson, best known as a gunfighter and gambler, was a very successful chief of police in Austin, Texas. Earp wasnt even on the street when this occurred. Probably not. It's "High Noon." Come on!! Actually, He wrote in a letter to John Hays Hammond on May 21, 1925, that "notoriety had been the bane of my life. [citation needed], Quick draw and hip shooting was a rare skill in the West,[17] and only a handful of historically known gunslingers were known to be fast, such as Luke Short, John Wesley Hardin, and Wild Bill Hickok. WebIn the film Tombstone (1993), Doc Holliday was portrayed by Val Kilmer. Wanting to escape this reputation, he took a job as the City Marshall of Austin, Texas, but he was forced to resign when he killed a local theater owner named Jack Harris during an argument. When he was 15, he attempted to join the Confederacy to fight in the Civil War, but he was discharged when his true age was revealed. [73] The story's protagonist, Vash the Stampede, is a wandering gunslinger with a dark past. [1] They rarely took undue risks and usually weighed their options before confronting another well-known gunman. One journalist reckoned that if Munden had He kept his pistol in the pocket of his coat. A gunfighter could be an outlawa robber or murderer who took advantage of the wilderness of the frontier to hide from genteel society and to make periodic raids on it. Later that year he was deputized during the Lincoln County War and joined lawmen searching for a group of men who had murdered a rancher. Corral. Corral in 1881. They followed them to the horse barn and witnessed the hanging. 15 of the most infamous and deadly gunslingers in history (15 Photos), Known for his unpredictable personality and violent temper, Clay Allison was a gunfighter who is remembered as one of the deranged outlaws of the Old West. Frank was running to Fremont Street, and he challenged Holliday for killing his brother, but Doc dropped his shotgun, drew his pistol, and shot Frank in the right temple. Obviously the most well-known Old West figure in history, Bill the Kids life has In many cases, the term gunfighter was applied to constables. The group went on a killing spreekilling three people within three days, including a sheriff and a deputy. Years later, I found out that Arness was known to be horribly slow at drawing a gun and was filmed many times before he could "beat" the gunslinger to the draw. The result was the gunfight at the O.K. Gunmen Wyatt Earp, Bat Masterson, Bass Reeves, Commodore Perry Owens, and Luke Short all died of natural causes, living out their lives on reputation and avoiding conflict in secluded retirement. Corral. After the conversation, Richardson drew his pistol, and Loving drew his in response. Twirling pistols, lightning draws, and trick shots are standard fare for the gunmen of the big screen. Definitely agree that Hardin is the deadliest, almost all were head on gun fights with armed gun fighters and law men, and well documented. He killed some six people in two days and then wounded eight more. He was buried in Round Rock Cemetery, and the road to the cemetery was later named Sam Bass Road. Where the frack is Mr. dandy Doc Holliday?! [49] As city marshal, Virgil made the decision to disarm the Cowboys in Tombstone and requested Wyatt's assistance. That 30-second throwdown, which came to be known as the Gunfight at the O.K. That 30-second throwdown, which came to be known as William H. Bonney or just Billy the Kid, started his life of crime with petty theft and horse thievery, but is said to have first killed a man at the age of eighteen. Levy aimed carefully and hit Harrison, who died a week later. [citation needed], In many early western films and literature, Native Americans were often portrayed as savages; having conflicts and battles against gunfighters and White settlements. In 1880, Allison relocated to Mobeetie, Texas, where he met and married America Medora Dora McCulloch. It was very interesting and informative. [58] "Big" Steve Long served as deputy marshal for Laramie, Wyoming, while the entire time committing murders and forced theft of land deeds. [citation needed], On April 14, 1881, lawman Dallas Stoudenmire participated in a gunfight in El Paso, Texas which many dubbed the Four Dead in Five Seconds Gunfight, in which he killed three of the four fatalities with his twin .44 caliber Colt revolvers. Earp, as historians long have recognized, possessed an almost preternatural coolness under fire. But they were just as apt to be like the O.K. Barney Riggs Infamous West Texas Gunfighter. Hardin was eventually arrested at age 17 for the murder of a Texas City Marshal, but he was able to procure a gun while in jail, and when transferred he killed one of his guards and again went on the lam. how about Jesse James? No Kid Curry? Two-Gun Kid is another comic book gunfighter from Marvel Comics. [41], Not as well known today but famous in his time was the dapper, derby-wearing train robber Marion Hedgepeth, who despite his swell appearance, "was a deadly killer and one of the fastest guns in the Wild, Wild West". "Go to fighting or get away! Only three days into his tenure, he became involved in one of the Wests most legendary battles, what is common known as the Four Dead in Five Seconds Gunfight, in which he shot three men. When a gunman did square off, it rarely was with another gunfighter. Such tropes that are frequently seen in Westerns include shooting the center of a coin, stylistic pistol twirling, glancing shots that intentionally only graze an opponent (the bullet through the hat being an example), shooting an opponent's belt buckle (thus dropping his pants), a bullet cutting the hangman's rope, or shooting the guns out of opponents' hands (typically as an alternative to killing). He was never the chief of police or head marshal in Dodge or any other town where he served, just one of the crew. While a deputy in Dodge he and another deputy shot at a retreating criminal. Although many Old West legends have "fast gun" reputations, it appears that John Wesley Hardin, Wild Bill Hickok, Doc Holliday, and Billy the Kid were actually really Jonathan R. Davis shot eleven bandits single-handedly on 19 December 1854. These guys are all legends for different reasons but lets face it Kid Curry and Jesse James not on this list is a shame. Murdering unarmed homesteaders from hiding was Tom Horns style. Stoudenmires luck would not last forever, though, and in 1882 he was killed when a discussion between he and a group of his enemies escalated into a gunfight in which he was shot three times. [citation needed], Mythology and folklore often exaggerate the skills of famous gunfighters. [9] Wild Bill Hickok popularized the butt-forward holster type, which worked better on horseback. [1] The Winchester rifle was also a popular weapon among gunfighters. The Long Branch Saloon was then filled with smoke. I love the sitebut wish to heaven I could correct it's many SPELLING errors. In April of 1895, John Selman, Sr. shot Hardin in the back of the head, killing him, after an altercation with Selman Jr. Hardin is buried in El Paso. Ive been in several gunfights, people have no idea how scary it is when your trading rounds with someone trying to kill you. Fisher was known both for his flamboyant style, which saw him wear brightly colored clothes and carry twin ivory-handled pistols, as well as for his propensity for violence. Courtright attempted the "border shift", a move where a gunfighter switches his gun to his uninjured hand, but he was too slow. [9][12] These duels were first recorded in the South, brought by emigrants to the American Frontier as a crude form of the "code duello," a highly formalized means of solving disputes between gentlemen with swords or guns that had its origins in European chivalry. Its kill or be killed. Fourteen-year-old Willie Nickell was found murdered; a month later his father, Kels, was killed and most of his stock was slaughtered. Hardin killed for the first time in November of 1868 at the age of 15 years, when he shot a former slave who allegedly attacked him with a stick. Earp's fellow lawman and general Old West badass Bat Masterson once said that speed in a gunfight is probably the least important factor in winning. It's Hollywood. [9] Gunfights could be won by simple distraction or pistols could be emptied as gunmen fought from behind cover without injury. He escaped and killed the men guarding him. Both men were still standing, although Richardson had fired five shots from his gun and Loving's Remington No. Privacy Policy | TopTenz T-Shirts | Sponsors. Bass Outlaw Lawman, Gunfighter, & Texas Ranger. What? And you don't get much more stress than when somebody's shooting at you.". "Gunslinger" redirects here. Buckshot Roberts Last Stand. Most experts believe the real number is right around 100 men. Billy Clanton fired at Virgil, but his shot also went astray when he was hit with Morgan's shot through his ribcage. Even J.W.H., admired most of his gunshow marksmanship yadyadayda. He in turn killed 4 of them and wounded 8. After this, which cemented his reputation as one of the most murderous figures of his day, Allison went on to participate in a number of gunfights against fellow gunslingers. For other uses, see, For a list of notable Old West gunfighters, see. Hollywood has warped us to the point where somebody has to go full Rambo before we are impressed. But Billy rushes his shot and misses.". Wyatt Earp has no business on this list whatsoever. Horn was finally caught and hanged in 1901 after being linked to the murder of a 14-year-old boy. [83], Former professional American football quarterback Brett Favre was nicknamed "The Gunslinger" due to his rural, Southern upbringing and his wild, risky, quick-throwing play style that led him to great success in the National Football League.[84][85]. Youtube Channel "Shooting USA". He has been said to have been involved in more than one hundred gunfights in his lifetime. (As a kid wearing my own Bill Hickock gunset on, every Saturday morning I'd await "Gunsmoke" to come on TV; then I would wait for Marshall Matt Dillon (actor James Arness) to start his draw at the show's intro. Biographics History, One Life at a Time. One thing the Old West didnt lack was men who wereready for a gunfight. His name which is thoroughly documented to be the most well known identity was John Rambo. Doc Holliday was able to speak Latin and French pretty good. When the group was broken up by law-enforcement officers, the Kid escaped and shot a gambler in a New Mexico saloon. Haha! He started out by getting caught stealing food, clothing, and guns in 1875, but he escaped his captors and made his way to Arizona. [31], The famous lawman Wyatt Earp gave an account of having participated in a duel once during his vendetta. P S. Ive got dibs on the porn name John Wesley Hardon! Robert Olinger Killer With a Badge. [1], Another classic bit of cinema that is largely a myth is the showdown at high noon, where two well-matched gunslingers agree to meet for a climactic formal duel. John King Fisher was born in 1853 in Texas, to Jobe and Lucinda Warren Fisher. When the Civil War broke out, John Wesley attempted to run away to join the Confederate Army. Portrait of American gunman Billy the Kid (18591881). The most famous of these is undoubtedly the Gunfight at the O.K. They appear on a mission named "Gunfighters", and the player will act as Captain Brad "Hawk" Hawkins from 1st Aviation Regiment. Billy Claiborne ran as soon as shots were fired and was already out of sight. After all most of these guys lived over a century ago. He entered the council hall and dared the councilors to try to take his guns or his job, at which point they immediately changed their mind, saying he could keep his job. Wyatt Earps daring and apparent recklessness in time of danger is wholly characteristic; personal fear doesnt enter into the equation, and when everything is said and done, I believe he values his own opinion of himself more than that of others, and it is his own good report he seeks to preserve He never at any time in his career resorted to the pistol excepting cases where such a course was absolutely necessary. The sport originated in Southern California, USA, in the early 1980s but is now practiced in many places with several sanctioning organizations including the Single Action Shooting Society (SASS), Western Action Shootists Association (WASA), and National Congress of Old West Shooters (NCOWS), as well as others in the US and in other countries. Get Jesse on this list! In his introduction to The Shootist (1976), author Glendon Swarthout says "gunslinger" and "gunfighter" are modern terms, and the more authentic terms for the period would have been "gunman", "pistoleer", "shootist", or "bad man" (sometimes written as "badman"). Owens shot his rifle from his hip through the door, hitting Andy Blevins in the stomach. In 1880s, Garrett became the Lincoln County Sheriff and [15] Other gunfighters would use bridgeport rigs that gave a faster and easier draw. How can you not include the most famous outlaw of all? Gunfights happened, for sure. William Pinkerton, whose National Detective Agency had sought to capture Hedgepeth and his gang for years, noted that Hedgepeth once gunned down another outlaw who had already unholstered his pistol before Hedgepath had drawn his revolver. Related story from us:The tangled story of Pat Garrett, the Old West lawman who kept getting into trouble. [10] Some of these shootouts became famous, while others faded into history with only a few accounts surviving. Henry McCarty, a.k.a. [21][25] Wild Bill Hickok and Davis Tutt quarreled over cards and decided to have a gunfight. Hickok was born on May 27, 1837, to William Alonzo and Polly Butler Hickok in Illinois. When his location was discovered, he killed the three Union soldiers sent to capture him and was forced to run away from home. While he served his time, Hardin studied religion and law, but he suffered from bad health. In his early 20s, Masterson worked as a buffalo hunter, operating out of the wild Kansas cattle town of Dodge City. "[47], After his brother Virgil was maimed in an ambush and Morgan was assassinated by hidden assailants, the men suspected of involvement were provided alibis by fellow Cowboys and released without trial. Despite surviving the civil war and being involved in a multitude of gunfights, Allison is most remembered for killing a suspected murder, cutting off his head and bringing it to his favorite bar to share a drink. In fact, his brother, Tombstone Marshal and Deputy U.S. Others deserved the reputation associated with them. "Having said that, there was this sense of a reputation of dangerous men with a gun. He's rumored to have been in a lot of gunfights, but outside of the OK Corral there's only a few that are actually confirmed by historians. [77] Additionally, the comic book character Vigilante is a self-proclaimed gunfighter born in the 1940s. There is no clear evidence that Doc Holiday ever killed anyone before Tom McClaury at the When asked why he had eaten with a man who wanted to kill him, Allison replied, I wouldnt want to send a man to hell on an empty stomach. For a man who led such a dangerous lifestyle, Allison met a rather ironic and unimpressive death in 1887, when he fell off a wagon and broke his neck. Holliday then drew his pistol and shot Gordon at long range with one shot. Earp had a varied career that saw him travel to boomtowns like Wichita, Dodge City and the lawless town of Tombstone to serve as sheriff, and he participated in some of the most legendary gunfights of the 1800s. At the same time, Luke Short, a former friend of Courtright's, was running the White Elephant Saloon and Jim was trying to get Short to utilize his services. Louis Lamour credited him for inventing the fast draw. Earp and Holliday then led a team of gunfighters on what has become known as their Vendetta Ride, and they eventually killed several men connected with the murders before fleeing the territory. [71] Throughout the DC Universe, Hex has been, on many occasions, transported from the Old West to the contemporary setting and beyond. Jim miller?? James B. Hickok, in the 1860s, during his pre-gunfighter days. WebCaptain L.E. Allison fought for the Confederacy in the Civil War, but was discharged after a blow to the head started causing erratic behavior in him. In January of 1874, Allison and fellow outlaw Chunk Colbert enjoyed a race on their horses and afterward went to dinner at the Clifton House in Colfax County. [7], In films, the gunslinger often possesses a nearly superhuman speed and skill with the revolver. [42] The infamous assassin Tom Horn was also said to have participated in a duel with a second lieutenant from the Mexican Army, due to a dispute with a prostitute when he was twenty-six years old. Skilled with revolvers, he has aided many superheroes in future timelines, most notably She-Hulk. Some historians have reasoned that he may have had a hand in as many as 50 murders. Shotguns were also a popular weapon for "express messengers" and guards, especially those on stagecoaches and trains who were in charge of overseeing and guarding a valuable private shipment. Following his resignation, he developed a reputation as a killer for hire, and is said to have been responsible for the deaths of some 20 cattle rustlers over the course of several years. All told, Billy the Kid is said to have killed a total of 21 men, one for each of the years of his life, though this number is often regarded as inaccurate and exaggerated. I watched Unforgiven tonite for the 15th time (give or take) and you may cringe but when Clint rides past Ned on the porch it is just surreal to me. Marshal Virgil Earp had considerably more experience with weapons and combat as a Union soldier in the Civil War, and in law enforcement as a sheriff, constable, and marshal. Jim Killer Milller ( supposed killer of Pat Garrett), no I dont believe he should be among the ranks. Earp, as any Wild West buff knows, was in the center of the most famous street fight in American history. In Docs profession ( Gambling, Gavrilo Princip: the Teenager who Started WWI, Oda Nobunaga The Great Unifier of Japan. ", "Old West Myths And Things Little Known", "Top Shot (season 3): Episode 7 ("Tricked Out")", "Frontier Style Handguns For The Modern Backwoods Home", "Five Greatest Gunfights of the Old West", "6 Real-Life Gunslingers Who Put Billy the Kid to Shame", "Wild Bill Hickok fights first western showdown", "Politics And Pistols: Dueling In America", "First action hero: Wyatt Earp was an elderly movie groupie who failed to make it as an extra ", "Testimony of Virgil Earp in the Preliminary Hearing in the Earp Case", "Johnny Ringo Called Gallatin Home as a Boy", "Modern-day gunslingers enjoy competition and camaraderie", "Nominees for Spike Video Game Awards 2010 revealed", "Gunfighters Walkthrough Medal of Honor Game Guide", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Gunfighter&oldid=1137100133, Articles with dead external links from August 2021, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with unsourced statements from April 2018, Articles containing Japanese-language text, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 2 February 2023, at 20:22. Two years later, Miller tracked the Sheriff down and killed him with a shotgun. In 1871, Hardin was arrested for the murder of Texas marshal Laban John Hoffman, but he escaped after killing another police officer, Jim Smalley. After moving to El Paso, Texas, to serve as sheriff, he killed three men before the end of his third day in the Four Dead in Five Seconds Gunfight.. [1], In the days of the Old West, tales tended to grow with repeated telling, and a single fight might grow into a career-making reputation. He never killed a man that did not need killing.. I have often remarked, and I am not alone in my conclusions, that what goes for courage in a man is generally fear of what others will think of him in other words, personal bravery is largely made up of self-respect, egotism, and apprehension of the opinions of others. Who can say what is truly accurate here? The U.S. Calvary hired him as a scout and interpreter during the Apache Wars. the old west sounds like it would be a wild time in life. Several members of the prosecution and men who had testified against Miller were mysteriously killed. obviously the worst shot in the west very few(If any ) fatalities. Wild Bill Hickok should be straight to # 01. [59] A case in point: the service of the Jesse Evans Gang, and outlaw Jesse Evans himself, as agents for the Murphy-Dolan faction during the Lincoln County War. In fact, the faster draw generally misses, and therefore gets killed.". No kidding, most famous gunslingers and outlaws, worked as lawmen, vigilantes, or regulators. Even in unfamiliar territory and time periods, Hex managed to outgun his enemies with more advanced weaponry. That means he's better than Wild Bill, Wyatt Earp, John Wesley Harden (about whom his contemporaries said he "could get out a six-shooter and use it quicker than a [35], The LangfordPeel shootout occurred on July 22, 1867, between gunmen John Bull and Langford Peel. He formed a gang, and increased his notoriety after shooting down a gambler in a New Mexico saloon. One the lesser-known but more notoriously violent gunslingers of the Old West was John King Fisher, who was in and out of prison from the age of Andy's half-brother, John Blevins, pushed a pistol out the door to Owens' right and fired at the Sheriff. Wyatt Earp was a lawman, a gambler, a lover of prostitutes, a buffalo hunter, a saloon keeper, a miner, a boxing referee, maybe a bordello keeper and, most famously, a gunslinger of international renown. 44 was empty. The Western hero usually stands alone and faces danger on his own, commonly against lawlessness, with an expert display of his physical skills (roping, gun-play, horse-handling, pioneering abilities, etc.). Sheriff Owens had hunted buffalo for the railroad and could shoot his Winchester from the hip with great accuracy. Slashing with his heavy Bowie, he killed them both. 19 May 2020. It is still the largest robbery ofany train on theUnion Pacific Railroad. The same could be said for Holliday. Orrin Porter Rockwell killed more people than any of these guys, he is not as well known because of being in the far west. The following month Hickok was acquitted after pleading self-defense. Wes Hardin was no doubt a killer, but he probably didn't kill 44 men. WebFastest Gun that ever lived Don Hamilton 5.38K subscribers Subscribe 172K 5.4M views 9 years ago Amazing Fast Draw.- Draw and shot in less than 2/100's of a second. 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